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Scent Safe Statement
As part of our ongoing commitment to creating a safe and inclusive environment for everyone, we are excited to announce that Haven Society is a safe scent organization.
We believe that this Scent Safe Policy is a positive step toward fostering a more inclusive and considerate community. Your cooperation is crucial in making this policy a success, and we are confident that, together, we can create an environment where everyone feels safe, respected, and valued.
As a part of this policy, we ask all visitors to refrain from using or donating scented/fragranced products.
If you have any questions or would like more information about our Scent Safe Policy, please don't hesitate to reach out to haven@havensociety.com
Thank you for your understanding and commitment to building a safer, more inclusive community.
Get Involved at Haven
At Haven Society, we wouldn't be able to do the work we do without the generous and continuous support of the communities in which we serve. Our donors, members, volunteers and community partners have stood with us all in order to continue the mission of Haven Society to promote the integrity and safety of women, children, youth and families and the development of a respectful and healthy community. This was true in our early days and it is true today, nearly 40 years later.
If you are interested in standing with us in our mission, there are a number of great ways to get involved at Haven. Click the links below to discover how you can get involved!
Donations are vital to everything that we do at Haven. From donating items that can be used by the women and children who are accessing our services to financial contributions. To donate directly or for more information about our current wishlist and how to donate, please click here!
Volunteers are at the heart of the work we do at Haven Society. Whether directly within our buildings, working directly with clients, staff and donors...or out in the community at events, workplaces, schools and other community groups.
Hosting a third party event is a great way to support the work of Haven Society in the community. Click here for more information!