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Scent Safe Statement
As part of our ongoing commitment to creating a safe and inclusive environment for everyone, we are excited to announce that Haven Society is a safe scent organization.
We believe that this Scent Safe Policy is a positive step toward fostering a more inclusive and considerate community. Your cooperation is crucial in making this policy a success, and we are confident that, together, we can create an environment where everyone feels safe, respected, and valued.
As a part of this policy, we ask all visitors to refrain from using or donating scented/fragranced products.
If you have any questions or would like more information about our Scent Safe Policy, please don't hesitate to reach out to haven@havensociety.com
Thank you for your understanding and commitment to building a safer, more inclusive community.
Resources for Youth
Need help now? You can reach a Kids Help Phone counsellor 24/7 at
If you know of youth in the community who want to connect with the GenQ youth group, you can refer them to their Facebook group.
GenQ meets Thursdays from 6:30-8:30pm at the Boys and Girls Club of Central Vancouver Island (#20 Fifth Street).
Resources for Parents of Gender Creative Kids
For parents and caregivers, there’s the Parents of Gender Creative Kids group. More info is available by emailing gendercreativekidsnanaimo@gmail.com