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Scent Safe Statement
As part of our ongoing commitment to creating a safe and inclusive environment for everyone, we are excited to announce that Haven Society is a safe scent organization.
We believe that this Scent Safe Policy is a positive step toward fostering a more inclusive and considerate community. Your cooperation is crucial in making this policy a success, and we are confident that, together, we can create an environment where everyone feels safe, respected, and valued.
As a part of this policy, we ask all visitors to refrain from using or donating scented/fragranced products.
If you have any questions or would like more information about our Scent Safe Policy, please don't hesitate to reach out to haven@havensociety.com
Thank you for your understanding and commitment to building a safer, more inclusive community.
Safety Quilt Project
For at least 20 years, quilts have been wrapped around clients at Haven​ to help them feel safe. For Haven's 40th Anniversary, we are showcasing quilts: how safe they make you feel as well as the incredible generosity and compassion of the women who create them for Haven.
Quilts Create a Safe Space
Over the years, gatherings of quilters in Nanaimo have lovingly crafted hundreds of quilts for Haven clients. Each quilt requires 40-60 hours. Every stitch and every design is brought into the world with love and compassion by creating hands.
Women and children at Haven bring these quilts home as a reminder to stay safe. When they are feeling alone and scared, the warmth and coziness of the quilt offers security... and the love with which it is infused is a reminder that they are not alone.
A quilt wrapped around a woman or a child who has experienced violence offers immediate warmth, comfort, and security.
Quilts reflect the grassroots, community approach to making sure that everyone feels safe and is safe.
Because safety changes everything, quilts are also a reminder that safety doesn’t happen by accident. We are all responsible for promoting safety.
A quilt says,
“You are safe here.”
Safety Quilt Photo Project
The Safety Quilt Photo Project helps all of us to know what it feels like to be wrapped in a quilt. We wrap a quilt around your shoulders then, optionally and with your permission, take a photo of you.
Digital Quilt Project
Messages of how to promote safety are written and drawn on paper squares that are lovingly "stitched" together to create a digital safety quilt.
Digital quilt from squares created at Haven Society's AGM & 40th Anniversary Event